Jump desktop vpn
Jump desktop vpn

jump desktop vpn

Time="" level=fatal msg="failed to resolve reference "/gasp/certificates:latest": failed to do request: Head " \": dial tcp: lookup on no such host" Expected Behavior Time="" level=info msg="trying next host" error="failed to do request: Head " \": dial tcp: lookup on no such host" host= connect to a vpn wich require the use of a proxy for internet access.Once off the VPN image pull can resolve on public repo. When connected to a VPN the image pulling / dns detection capability of the rancher-desktop wsl stop working. from what i can gather the rancher-desktop is not aware of the proxy at all.

jump desktop vpn

1.21.6 What operating system are you using?Ģ0H2 What CPU architecture are you using?Ĭorporate vpn, we also have a required proxy when using that vpn.

Jump desktop vpn